Educators 4SC would like to invite educators, administrators, non-profit organizations, and others to our Virtual Conference on Crisis Teaching and Education during this global crisis.
We hope that this conference can both be a space in which to process and build solidarity among educators and a way to share best practices and tools for navigating the rest of the school year.
Dates: Sunday, 3/29 | Time: 10am-5pm CT | Cost: Free, Registration Required
Location: Virtually using a custom platform that will not require any special downloads or software to participate in (built on Zoom).
In argument mapping, students learn to visually represent the structure of arguments they read and create using free and open source software. The process of mapping helps students discuss controversial issues with precision and care, uncover unstated assumptions and unsubstantiated claims, piece together evidence and reasoning precisely and carefully, and can be used to plan out essays and other pieces of persuasive writing that incorporate sources from history and social studies classes. The session will provide a demonstration of argument mapping and show participants how to access a variety of free web-based resources, including a free online course in mapping and critical thinking that can be assigned to students remotely.
Aidan Kestigian is the Program Director at ThinkerAnalytix, an education non-profit partnered with the Harvard Department of Philosophy. ThinkerAnalytix works alongside teachers to teach critical thinking skills to students through argument mapping. Aidan is also a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Wheaton College (Massachusetts), where she teaches logic and critical thinking.
Andy Babb has years of experience teaching ESL online and helping other teachers manage digital teaching.
Christina Kraemer is a Special Education Teacher at a school in Westchester, New York.
Gigi Mei is an activist and a 2nd year MA student at Teachers College focusing on Peace and Human Rights Education.
Hanna Mosenthal is an early childhood teacher in New York City.
Jazz Digao is a 2nd year MA student in the International Educational Development program at Teachers College, Columbia University. She also works as an Expanded Learning Opportunities Coordinator at the Roger Lehecka Double Discovery Center.
Nate Otey is a Fellow in the Harvard Philosophy Department and Lead Instructor for ThinkerAnalytix. Nate creates online learning experiences to train teachers and students in argument mapping. He also conducts workshops on controversial ethical and social issues, and previously co-founded a website that aggregates the top reasons on both sides of issues in the news.
Raphaelle Ayach is an MA student in Anthropology of Education at TC and the founder of the Safarni Intercultural Children’s Workshops in Cairo, Egypt
Non-Profit Organization | United States | Elementary, Middle School, High School | Special Education
Principal/Administrators | Lithuania | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies
Teacher | United States | Elementary, Middle School | Science
Guidance Counselors | El Salvador | High School | Enrichment, Counseling
Guidance Counselors | El Salvador | High School | Enrichment, Counseling
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English
Teacher | Australia | Elementary, Middle School | Science, Enrichment
Other School Staff | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Special Education
Teacher | United States | Middle School | English
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary | Math, Science, English
Teacher | United States | Middle School | Math, Special Education
Teacher | Lithuania | Middle School | Science
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary | Enrichment, Technology
Teacher | Canada | Elementary, Middle School | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Special Education
Principal/Administrators | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School, High School | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Special Education
Teacher | Uganda | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English
Teacher | Australia | Elementary, Middle School | Enrichment
Principal/Administrators | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary | Math, English
Teacher | United States | Middle School, College | Design Thinking
Non-Profit Organization | United States | Elementary, Middle School, High School | Social Studies, English
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Daycare/early learning
School Psychologist | United States | High School | SEL
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment
Principal/Administrators | United States | Middle School | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Special Education
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School, High School | Special Education
Principal/Administrators | United States | Elementary, Middle School, High School | English, Special Education
Teacher | United States | Elementary, Middle School, High School | Math, English, Special Education
Guidance Counselors | United States | Elementary | Social Emotional Learning
Teacher | United States | High School | Science, Special Education
Other School Staff | United States | Special education | Special Education
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Science
Principal/Administrators | United States | High School | health/wellness; SEL
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning | Early Childhood
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning | Special Education
Teacher | United States | High School | Social Studies
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Drama and Dance
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning | Social Emotional
Other School Staff | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School, High School | Special Education
Teacher | Romania | Elementary, Middle School | English, Special Education
Teacher | United States | High School | CTE Engineering
Teacher | United States | Middle School | English
Principal/Administrators | Lithuania | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School, High School | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment
Principal/Administrators | Lithuania | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School, High School | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment
Teacher | Lithuania | Early-Learning, Elementary | English
Principal/Administrators | Lithuania | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Special Education
Guidance Counselors | United States | Elementary, Middle School, High School | Enrichment
Principal/Administrators | Lithuania | Middle School | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Special Education
Guidance Counselors | United States | Middle School, High School | Counseling/ SEL
Principal/Administrators | Lithuania | Early-Learning | Special Education
Non-Profit Organization | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School, High School, College | Social Studies, English, Enrichment
Teacher | United States | Middle School | Math, Social Studies
Teacher | United States | Middle School, High School | Social Studies, English, Enrichment
Teacher | United States | College | Music
Guidance Counselors | United States | Elementary, Middle School, High School | English, Counseling
Other School Staff | United States | High School | Marketing
Non-Profit Organization | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School, High School | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Special Education
Teacher | United States | High School | Science
Teacher | United States | High School | Science
Non-Profit Organization | United States | Elementary, Middle School | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment
Teacher | United States | Middle School | Social Studies, English
Guidance Counselors | United States | Elementary | School Counseling
Teacher | United States | High School | Science, Special Education
Teacher | South Korea | Elementary | Science, Social Studies, English
Teacher | United States | High School | Spanish
Teacher | United States | Middle School | Science, Bilingual
Teacher | Taiwan | High School | Social Studies
Teacher | United States | High School | English, Special Education
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, English, Special Education
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Special Education, Computer Science
Other School Staff | United States | Middle School | English, Enrichment, Special Education
Teacher | United States | High School | Science
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English
Teacher | United States | High School | English
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Special Education
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment
Teacher | United States | Elementary, Middle School, High School, College | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Special Education
Teacher | Canada | High School, College | English, Drama, Law, international
Principal/Administrators | Belgium | Early-Learning, Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Special Education
Other School Staff | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School | Special Education, OT
Teacher | South Africa | High School | Science
Non-Profit Organization | United States | Elementary, Middle School | Enrichment
Teacher | United States | Middle School | English
Teacher | United States | Teachers | American Indian topics
Teacher | United States | Middle School, High School | Social Studies
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary | English
Digital learning coach | United States | Middle School | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Special Education
Teacher | United States | High School | Social Studies
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning | Math, Science, English, Enrichment
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English
Teacher | South Africa | Early-Learning | Math, Science, English
Teacher | Vietnam | Middle School, High School | Social Studies
Principal/Administrators | India | Middle School, High School | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Special Education
District ESE Specialist | United States | Elementary | Special Education
Librarian/Media Specialist | United States | Elementary | Enrichment, Special Education, librarian
Principal/Administrators | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment
Principal/Administrators | Mexico | Early-Learning, Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Special Education
Teacher | United States | High School | Art and art history
Teacher | United States | High School | Physical education
Librarian/Media Specialist | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School | Enrichment
Principal/Administrators | Thailand | Early-Learning, Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, STEM
Teacher | United States | High School | Social Studies
Teacher | Vietnam | Elementary | English
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Social Studies, English
Principal/Administrators | United States | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Special Education
Instructional Tech Facilitator | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School, High School | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Special Education
Teacher | United States | Elementary, Middle School, High School | Social Studies
Other School Staff | United States | Early-Learning | Special Education
Teacher | United States | High School | Science
Teacher | United States | High School | Science
Teacher | United States | College | Psychology/Mental Health
Teacher | United States | High School | Social Studies
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, Enrichment, Special Education
Non-Profit Organization | United States | Middle School, High School | Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, English, Special Education
Teacher | United States | Elementary | public school at home
Principal/Administrators | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School, High School | Special Education
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English
Other School Staff | United States | Middle School | Social Studies
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary | Math, Science, English, Enrichment, Special Education
Non-Profit Organization | Canada | Elementary, Middle School, High School, College | Social Justice
Teacher | United States | High School | Science
Teacher | United States | Middle School | Special Education
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English
Other School Staff | United States | High School | Special Education
Teacher | United States | Middle School | English
Teacher | United States | Middle School | Social Studies
Teacher | Uganda | Elementary, Middle School | Math, Science, English, Enrichment
Other School Staff | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary | Special Education
Teacher | United States | Middle School, High School, 18+/Adult Transition Services | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Special Education, Careers, Social Skills
Teacher | India | Early-Learning | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment
Librarian/Media Specialist | United States | Middle School | Library
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Special Education
Other School Staff | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English
Teacher | Kazakhstan | Middle School | Science
Teacher | United Kingdom | Middle School | English, Enrichment
Teacher | India | High School | Math
Teacher | Netherlands | Early-Learning | Math, English, Enrichment
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, English
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Special Education
Non-Profit Organization | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School, High School, College | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Special Education
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English
Teacher | United States | Middle School | Special Education
Teacher | United States | High School | French
Teacher | United States | College | Human Services
Math coach | United States | Elementary | Math, English
Speech-Language Pathologist | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School, High School, College | Special Education, Speech-Language Therapy
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning | Special Education
Teacher | United States | Elementary, High School | Math, Science, Social Studies, English
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning | Math, Enrichment, Special Education
PhD student | United States | High School, College | Social Studies, Special Education
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning | Math, Science, English, Enrichment, Special Education
Teacher | United States | Middle School, High School | Special Education
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School, High School | Special Education
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Science
Other School Staff | United States | Elementary, Middle School, High School | Special Education
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Social Studies, English, Enrichment
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School | Phys Ed
Teacher | United States | K-12 | Special Education
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning | Math, Science, Social Studies, English
Teacher | United States | Elementary, Middle School | Social Studies, Enrichment
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment
Teacher | India | Middle School, High School | Social Studies, Special Education
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning | Enrichment
Principal/Administrators | United States | Elementary, High School | English
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning | Math, English, Enrichment
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning | Special Education
Teacher | United States | Middle School, High School | Math
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning | Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Special Education
Teacher | United States | Middle School | Science
Guidance Counselors | United States | Elementary, Middle School, High School | Special Education, Social worker topics
Guidance Counselors | United States | Elementary | School Counseling
Teacher | United States | Elementary, Middle School, High School | Special Education, Social work
Teacher | Canada | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English
Guidance Counselors | United States | High School | School counseling and mental
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning | All
Teacher | United States | Middle School, High School | Social Studies, English, Special Education, Religion
Teacher | Brazil | Early-Learning | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment
Teacher | United States | High School | English
Instructional technology coach | United States | High School | Instructional coach
Teacher | Brazil | Early-Learning | Math, English
Teacher | United States | Middle School | Special Education
Teacher | United States | Middle School | Math, Special Education
Teacher | India | Early-Learning | Math
Ecd | India | Early-Learning | English
Teacher | India | Early-Learning | English, Enrichment, Special Education
Teacher | India | Early-Learning | English, Enrichment, Special Education
Other School Staff | United States | Middle School | Special Education
Principal/Administrators | United States | Early-Learning | Special Education
Principal/Administrators | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School, High School, Adult professional learning | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Special Education
Teacher | United States | High School | English
Teacher | United States | Middle School | Science, Social Studies, English
Teacher | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Special Education
Teacher | Canada | High School | Math
Principal/Administrators | Italy | Elementary | ICT
Principal/Administrators | United States | Middle School, High School | Math, Social Studies, English
Other School Staff | United Arab Emirates | All school | Tech
Principal/Administrators | Hungary | Elementary, Middle School, High School | Special Education
Teacher | United States | Elementary, Middle School | Math, Science, Social Studies, English
Teacher | United Kingdom | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School, High School | English
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, Social Studies, English, Enrichment
Teacher | United States | High School | Social Studies, English
Teacher | United States | High School | Math, English, ESOL
Non-Profit Organization | United States | College | Employee Development
Teacher | United States | Elementary, Middle School | Math, Science, Social Studies, English
Principal/Administrators | United States | High School | Special Education
Teacher | United States | College | Communication
Teacher | United States | Middle School, High School | English, Special Education
Teacher | United States | Elementary, Middle School, High School | Enrichment
Teacher | United States | Elementary, Adult | English, Music
Teacher | United States | Middle School | Science
Teacher | Spain | Middle School | Science
Teacher | Canada | Elementary | Math, Social Studies
Teacher | United States | Middle School | Social Studies
Teacher | United States | High School | Science
Teacher | United States | High School | Social Studies
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, English, Special Education
Teacher | Canada | Middle School, High School, Adult Education | Math, Social Studies, English, Special Education, Computer Science
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English
Other School Staff | United States | Elementary, Middle School | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Special Education
Teacher | United States | Middle School | Social Studies
Teacher | Canada | High School | English
Teacher | United Kingdom | Middle School, High School | Social Studies
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, English, Special Education
Principal/Administrators | United States | Elementary, Middle School, High School | Special Education
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English
Teacher | South Korea | Elementary | English, Enrichment
Teacher | United States | High School | Social Studies
Other School Staff | United States | Elementary | Social Studies, English
Teacher | United States | High School | English
Teacher | South Africa | Early-Learning | Math, English, Special Education
Principal/Administrators | Philippines | College | Early childhood
Curriculum coordinator | Lithuania | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School | Math, Science, Social Studies
Teacher | India | Middle School, High School | English
Teacher | Belgium | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School, High School, College | English
Teacher | United States | High School | Social Studies, English
Teacher | Canada | Middle School | Math, English, Special Education
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, Science
Guidance Counselors | United States | Elementary, Middle School | Counseling
Guidance Counselors | United States | Middle School | Counseling
Teacher | Colombia | College | Mechanical engendering
Teacher | United Arab Emirates | High School | Math
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Science, STEAM
Non-Profit Organization | United States | Elementary, Middle School, High School | 4-H
Teacher | United States | Elementary, Middle School | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Special Education
Librarian/Media Specialist | United States | Early-Learning, Elementary, Middle School, High School | Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment, Library/Tech
Teacher | Russia | Early-Learning | Math, Science, English
Guidance Counselors | United States | Elementary, Middle School, High School | Counseling
Teacher | United States | Elementary | Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Enrichment
Teacher | Thailand | Middle School | English